Wednesday 31 August 2011

Clerical-PO common written exams coaching classes at Anna nagar Chennai. Blessing Training-Phone: 9710127493

Clerical-PO common written exams coaching classes at Anna nagar Chennai. Blessing Training-Phone: 9710127493

Do you know that the descriptive section of the clerical exam may give you an edge over others in the written exam. The vacancies are more, so is competition which can perhaps contribute weightage to the English descriptive section.
- Practice is the key to descriptive for example, you can find sample letters below, go through them and write on your own and practice.

Name of Sender,
Name of Recipient
Subject: (E.g. Resignation from the post of Software Engineer)
Dear (Mr. /Ms. Last Name of the Recipient), 
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
(Name of Sender)

Some of the common mistakes in descriptive section (some may sound a little too simple but they do appear in the students' answer sheet:
  1. Using capital letter unnecessarily in all places. Capital letters can be used to begin a sentence, in proper nouns - example, Kumar, Chennai, company names - example State Bank of India
  2. Writing capital letter in small size example State Bank of India
  3. Illegible writing 
  4. Subject - Verb agreement
  5. Involving emotions and informal ways of expression in the writing
  6. Giving unwarranted suggestions like - "Sir, you can see my track record and ethics in my branch records"
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